So after a great few days in Santiago, we decided to head two hours north to Valparaiso, a port town which used to be the richest city in Latin America, until the building of the Panama Canal route rendered it largely redundant. Now the once grand buildings have been left to decay, but it's still very beautiful, if a bit rough around the edges.
After the success of the first free walking tour, we decided to give 'Tours for tips' a go. So did about 30 other people, so on mass, we hit the streets. Most of the houses are built up on the hills and our favourite thing was looking at all the street art that covers the buildings and steps.
And then there was the crazy guest at our hostel. We got to witness a grown man who had suspicions about bed bugs take a knife and slice open a whole mattress, then pull the foam and springs apart. The police came but couldn't do much so just made him and his girlfriend leave. Not very fair on the hostel owner who had a full house that night, especially as there weren't any bed bugs! Always amusing to remember that some people ARE JUST REALLY WEIRD. So, if you see this man, beware.
Not to scale
We decided to get out of crazy town and went to nearby Vina del Mer for a beachside walk. Here we saw some absolutely massive pelicans and some surfers.
Next stop, back to Argentina to its wine capital, Mendoza, yes please.