Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Uruguay - whistle stop tour

So, after a stop off in Buenos Aires for the weekend fun we decided to take three days in Uruguay which started with a 6am wake up call and a 400m sprint after the taxi driver who drove off with John's bag. We eventually made the boat and Sarah could assume her favourite pastime...

We arrived in Montevideo which is like a smaller Buenos Aires with lovely outdoor cafes in the main squares. We went to the botanical gardens, went to a carnival museum to learn about their traditional costumes and went up the tallest building in the city to get a panoramic view, but our favourite thing was finding the Mercado del Puerto, an indoor market full of parrillas (steakhouses), each with a huge open coal cooking grill, with any cut of meat you wanted. We got involved.

Botanical Gardens

Antel Tower



This is the last of being in cities for a while, as the next stop is El Calafate in Argentinian Patagonia. Finally our walking boots will be out.


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